work or fun… or both? Random thoughts @ 1:45am


Late night working… took a break to write this just because I remember something.

Year 2012 I quit my job at the Architectural firm and decided to work as a solo designer and earn money doing modelling.I found out that there’s money doing events so I did that as well. An interior designer, a model, a beauty queen, a brand ambassadress, an usher, a writer, a bartender, an entrepreneur,  a messenger…. This was me the past 2 years.

Not because I was poor and I badly needed money. But because I wanna make money so that I can have fun and enjoy some of the good things in life. Traveling, new clothes, new gadgets, night outs, good food. Other than paying the bills. It’s true though that Money can’t buy real happiness. But the world that we live right now it makes the journey a lot more fun, money is somehow necessary.

This year I’ve learned to work 40% of the time and enjoy life 60%. I always ask myself, what would God do? and what would I do? God had a day off on the 7th day! I don’t want to wear myself out working and not having time for myself and the other important things in life. We were given 7 days a week and I think 5 days, 8 hours work a day is more than enough. So, it’s important to pause from long action every once in a while.

So I made this pattern for my work and fun schedule

thursday-saturday= work

sun-wed=fun (church, vacations, gym, shopping, chilling…etc)


1-2 weeks= full pack work

5 days=vacation

If only it was this easy huh?

Of course I don’t skip big opportunities over having fun. But I found this formula helpful for my stress-free persona. I feel like I have accomplished more in life other than making money. By giving myself time for my family, friends, my self, my travels, fitness etc.

Just a few musings…

  • Its not ok to not work, but I don’t want to over work
  • Routine work or office work bores me
  • Earnings goes to the bank, sits there for awhile until I figure out what to do or when its due to pay the bills.
  • Save money, buy car. save money, buy house
  • You work for a company, you over work. You make your boss rich, you stay an employee.
  • You work solo or start your own company. Lots of effort in the beginning but you can work on your own time frame.
  • You earn money and do something that makes you happy than buying stuff that perishes instantly.
  • The mentality that you save a lot of money when you’re young and travel a lot when you retire… i know, i know that it makes sense to most but When I’m older, I can’t stay up 24 hours, doing loads of activities. It will be harder for me to climb mountains, and I will get tired swimming around all day.
  • It’s fun to travel on a tight budget, you learn a lot and you feel more adventurous
  • You bust your ass for work, trying to come up with good ideas. Credits goes the company or the boss.
  • And of course, I want to enjoy life as much as I could than trying to worry about money all the time. Because everything we need will be provided by HIM. Everything else is just a bonus.
  • Each to its own…

On my brightest night


I don’t know why or how…
But the beauty of the earth fulfills the depths of my soul.
I close my eyes…
I dream…

The waves of the sea crashing to the shore,
feels like i am a deaf woman listening to the only sound that calms
Then I feel no longer deaf.
That breeze passing on my skin and sun shining right on my face,
Feels like a warm hug from my father whom I knew by faith
The sound of the birds chirping
Feels like they are singing a lullaby
telling me I got nothing to worry.
Then I will no longer worry.

The sunset from horizon where the heaven touches the earth.
It tells me…
Ive shown you the light through out the day
Now that it will be dark…
You might not see everything clearly,
You might be scared for a while
But when the light is out
And you look up…
You will see that I left you with the best shining stars.
So on your darkest night you learn to appreciate them.
You learn to value and trust them.

Do not overlook darkness, because that’s when it highlights the important things and people in your life.

I choose to be HAPPY


Sometimes people live with HATE throughout their lives. They choose the misery of waking up with a burden in their hearts. They don’t LISTEN because all they hear is their own voices. They make things COMPLICATED by over-thinking and letting the situation get over their head. They would rather mock, persecute or fight than try to fix things out or talk it over. They get FRUSTRATED when they can’t get what they want or hear what they wanna hear. They get frustrated when they can’t CONTROL the situation.
Sounds like a very stressful life, right?

All the things we have right now are temporary,
even the life we have is temporary. Why not make the most out of it and live stress-free? If you will put effort into things, why not put effort into eternity.?

I think life is very simple,
Forgive, forget, live freely and love the life youv’e been given.

It’s just a choice we got to make. It’s a choice we gotta live by.

HAPPY is the one who choose happiness.

We’re together, maybe


Why do we settle for a complicated-unlabeled relationship?
Sometimes its because its a gateway for one to continue doing bad(or being careless)
to the partner without having to worry about
her feelings to your actions.
example, If Your ‘complicated partner’ was hitting on the
girl on the next table, you guys are not really in a relationship.
So there’s nothing you can do but to act that you are okay with it!
You are free to come and go as you wish for as long as you still want the presence of that
Its gives you options to choose
which one you would actually wanna be in a serious relationship with on the later part.
And other times it’s because of the fear of experiencing the above mentioned. Fear of commitments due to a bad
past relationship, Fear of getting too serious, fear of drama and fear of falling in love.
We settle in this kind of relationship because, It can be fun and it is ‘acceptable’
by the society but it is all LIES.

We confuse ourselves with the meaning of being in love,
with just being cool and in control.
We stop ourselves to fully enjoy the freedom that life and love has to offer.
Now, we all know that ‘we deserve something better than that.’
We all deserve to be treated with respect.
And respect is not all about being kind with words, being escorted to and from your house on a date,
or not showing that they are actually flirting with
someone else.
Respect is what you get if someone genuinely cares for you and your feelings as a person.

Why should we not settle for a label-free relationship?
It never works!
It’s living in a LIE!
It’s all about mind games!
Who gives in first,loses. Well, not exactly losing but at least you are free from the questions
that you have been wanting to ask.
Courage and Truth.
If you’re lucky enough both are scared of rejection.
regardless, you don’t deserve to live in the misery of a hang-up relationship.

Signs: Seeing Clearly


Many of us live in confusion everyday of our lives. We encounter a lot of things that needs a very important decision. During those times that we seek for God’s advice and answers. We ask for signs. Often do we really listen to the answers and follow God’s way. I have asked God so many times for an answer to a question I’ve been asking. I must admit, I received the same signs over and over. It was really consistent, i knew what God wanted for me. BUT I refused to listen and follow despite asking for HIS help. Because my selfish mind is not ready for the truth and i had fears of leaving my comfort zone. Until i finally got fed up, took the risk and eventually follow what God really wanted me to do.

When I left my old painful relationship. It was hard and depressing at first, but after looking at the bright side of it, I realized that my life was so much better without holding on to a relationship that I thought would be a happy ending. Few months after,I have never seen myself so happy. I have become positive about life and realized that it is only God, the father knows whats best.

So now, every time i ask intensely for God’s wisdom and asked for signs. I listen attentively. And do everything in God’s way. Because with God in your every day decisions, you can never go wrong.

Short version:
Most of the time we ask for God’s sign before we make a big decision in life. We stubborn humans tend to convince ourselves with a reality that ‘WE’ want for ourselves. We don’t like stepping out of our comfort zones. We forget to listen attentively to God’s answers and plans for us.

John 14:1 ”Don’t let your hearts be troubled, Trust in God” BELIEVE that God’s plan is bigger than yours.