On my brightest night


I don’t know why or how…
But the beauty of the earth fulfills the depths of my soul.
I close my eyes…
I dream…

The waves of the sea crashing to the shore,
feels like i am a deaf woman listening to the only sound that calms
Then I feel no longer deaf.
That breeze passing on my skin and sun shining right on my face,
Feels like a warm hug from my father whom I knew by faith
The sound of the birds chirping
Feels like they are singing a lullaby
telling me I got nothing to worry.
Then I will no longer worry.

The sunset from horizon where the heaven touches the earth.
It tells me…
Ive shown you the light through out the day
Now that it will be dark…
You might not see everything clearly,
You might be scared for a while
But when the light is out
And you look up…
You will see that I left you with the best shining stars.
So on your darkest night you learn to appreciate them.
You learn to value and trust them.

Do not overlook darkness, because that’s when it highlights the important things and people in your life.

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